Thursday, May 28, 2009


So many new shops are opening here.. I thinkthat is a good thing. Heaps and heaps are about to open.. even an art store.. (golly gee) Not that i need any more art supplies. I have plenty,just need another sketch pad. Its mum birthday and Im got her some earrings plus will get her some flowers tomorrow. A nice bunch of iris or somethingt that is in season, no stinky lillies or anything.

So what now for lil ol me? Not sure im alil better than what i was .

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

darker grows the day

a line from nick cave song... i know.. but thats how it feels. I guess we are not into the depths/ heart of winter yet. Anyhow...i have been reading and scrabbling..and painting. etc.. lala


i will write more tomorrow.


Wednesday, May 13, 2009

out of

So i have not written in some time. Since my whinge. Lets see now.. I havezeen painting a llittle bit, taking photos sometimes. i m going to buy adobe photoshop this weekend. So i can work on tweaking the photos ive taken.
I have no seen louise since about look forward to her coming home with allen tomorrow night... Ive been lazin about. Tonight it will be me attempting to cook meat for about the first time.. if i get food poisoning it will be my fault. Mum said t marrinade them t them in mustard and brown sugar...and put them in the oven. ..

So im going to try that..also cut up al the veggies already... mash with carot and broccoli. Out of this..i am reading this book about of all people Darren Hinch... (i know shame shame shame) ... i am also reading paul Coehleo newie.. the winner stands alone. Its prett dark..the dark side of hollywood really.. the dark that lies in all of us.

I have been playing heaps of scrabble my rating is up. A little. I am maintaining a 62% rate of winning. I dont always go to the beginner spot more of a casual player.
So yeps. I am getting my hair cut in a few weeks time too.

I hope to visit the city sometime too. Its the only thing about not being able to drive... is bloody pt everywhere. Oh well u get sometime. So now.. well.. i better go put the oven on...

ciao for now

love ally

Monday, May 4, 2009

home body

home bod ny..been at home a lot.. Have not written in here as much my as i should. I have had my 31st birthday. Now. So that was a quiet family do this year. Did not feel like celebrating it. Toe place we went for food it took an horur to be served our food.. i think they were out fishing hunting and shooting for it.

Anyhow thats my gripe. Have not done or achieved very much as of late. Lets see now.. nope nothing. A few paintings,a few photos. I got a lot of birthday cards...which is nice. Have had a very quiet days.

One day folds into another...and another and another. ergh..oh well that happens at times. Well i will write more to my neglected blog later..