Tuesday, January 13, 2009


Sheesh, what a day. It is 40 outside.. so we hired some movies.. they have dropped the price of rentals..dramatically i guess its cause they want to keep customers and not lose them to people buying them cheap at stores.

I went out and had two coffees so im wired for sound now and not tired... plus i had lemon cheesecake pie. I just had a roll for lunch too. Oh well. I noticed a mark on my arm today.. i have no idea what its from.. oh well. I was up at 2am til 4am this morning..writing a letter to my pen friend.

I guess.. i was on a drowsy high. As per usual. I am going to go to the movies tomorrow and see a fun film called bride wars (Thats if it is on here) (i hope so) Im challenging myself to do more...

I still feel like shit though. My psychiatrist is worried about my weight.. wants me to get blood tests done.. i guess they didnt put me in hospital,.. but see if i deteriorate i will go in.

So i guess.. i will write more later gator.


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