Friday, August 15, 2008


Agh the joys of wondering on a wayward path at the moment kind a looking for validation. So I found that from someone i see.. I feel i'm kinda going to go out an do some things and shed my hermit skin.

I know what it is perhaps some finding out about things. So where have i been?? All over the place. Had a few family things happen. So had to deal with that.

Aside from that...i have been in the city a little bit more. Catching up with friends and just hanging out. Trying to save my pennies. Staying home and making cards has been quite a productive experience. I have made them for a lot of people. Some of them are very beautiful. Mum pulled out the ones she likes for her friends, which i don't mind.

I am going to do a few things that may change some things in my life right now. We shall see.

Agh its good to be back blogging again.

signing out


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