Saturday, August 2, 2008

Out and About.

I have had the best time as of late. Been hanging out with friends in the city. Start back at thursday.. met up with my friend Evonne.. teked around.. decided not to go to the art show.. walked around and had a new adventure.We spotted a little sign that said French Crepes. so we thought why not... they are made from buckwheat which she could eat.

The crepes were absolutely to DIE for. I had a sugar and lemon one and evonne had a savory one. Fabulous.The coffee was nice.. it wasnt bitter and it wasnt over done. Just lovely. Though there are only 6 little tables inside and there are two outside... its a delightful french affair. The owners are lovely too. Its unpretntious and a hidden delight.

So after that.walking about.. i said "i need more stripey socks" "lets go to the vic market " so we wet there on a whim. I got two pairs of socks..very happy with my purchase. Pink stipey and musical note socks too. After about 5isles the same stores kept repeating ..and it got a bit minotinous. So we left the makret..crammed on a tram as it was lunchtime...

Took off to go in search of the next installment of Alexander McCallsmiths No1 Lady Detective story.. Miricle at SPeedy Motors. Which i must say.. i am FLYING through.
I love the way he writes. So got the book.. by then it was around 3.. our tum tums were rumbling... so walked down to degraves street.. and i had mushroom pasta.. a bit too creamy for my liking... but really yummy. Evonne had a steak.. that like it had been beaten to a pulp. It was too thin for my liking and her liking.

Had an absolute ball. Sped read my new book on the train. Time flew. A great end to being out and about. Man what a great time.I enjoyed myself a lot.

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