Friday, August 22, 2008


Hey there. Ive been a bit distant as of late. I have been so busy making cards, Ive been churning them out like a machine. They look terrific, I am so happy with them all. I watched this documentry about these people designing their house... and I tell u ow.. they had white upon white..upon white... see it appears so easy to look and think that its simple design and cold.. but as they said "we chose everything that went into the house.. every detail" So its a bit like my cards.. they look simple but they are not in a way.

Anyhow..aside from that.. i caught a ripping game an absolute corker of a waterpolo game last night. AUstralia got 3rd. It was a great game...i wish i still played. Oh well no good wishing. I wrote a few letters to some people.

I will be away from tomorrow til sunday. I have a full platter in the city. Meeting up with a friend to check out an art gallery, then heading up to lucy and pauls house for the night.. might be meeting kylie and then going to see the Kimono exhibition with the lovely anrdea.

Anyhow,.. I'm tired.. im off to bed now. Ive packed up my cards etc for the evening.

got the great tale to read by Jeffery Archer,

night night sleep tight.. see you in the morning light


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