Thursday, October 9, 2008

Busy Bee

Ive been a bit slack with writing here. Just have not felt like typing much. Ive been having trouble sleeping.. waking up at 3 and going back to bed at 5 waking up at 9ish.
I hate that, then by the time 5pm rocks around im bloody tired again.

So lets see now.. mum and I have been working on the invites for the wedding. We have found a magic source for glue... a spray on adhesive. It makes them look more polished and is better than double sided tape and all that bleedin glue. So instead of just one being done in an hour we have nearly done 20ish ..well the basics anyhow. Just the outside. Still have to cut all the paper for the inside.

So today has been an extra productive day we should have them done by sunday. We ran out of spray so ive stopped whilst mum has gone to get more things. We have plenty of butterflies.. but these little ones we have are cute. they are a lightweight silver.
I phoned the shop back up to see if they had anymore.. they said "no sorry, we don't have anymore. Are u the lady that bought them all?" "Yes, I am" Oh well. So much for that.

When we went to pakenham to the eureka bead store... i found these stunning clay flower beads that i can glue on cards. They are so pretty. I like them muchly. I went to the scrapbooking shop invested in these beautiful stamps.. lovely birds and butterflies. I got some cheap ink but found that that doesnt stick it slides off the cards. So i got some better ink. A little more expensive, i hope it works.

I start the gym on monday.. the local one.. not curves.. but reps. They don't have a joining fee or anything..and they don't seem to be pretentious. I may even take a class or two in aerobics.. although i know how unco i am.

It is such a lovely day. So i'm in my working clothes. Feel like some noodles for dinner. I don't have them often but i cant be bothered cooking.. i doubt mum will want to cook. Anyhow I better get back to dabbling with the crystals trying to work out some sort of pattern on them..

love albell

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