Saturday, April 12, 2008


Something holds me here in this stupor. I am a little dazed today. I keep remembering the old art room at primrary school, and i remember as clear as day the time when I got these pieces of wood with nails on them and we wound cotton arounf the nails.. to create shapes and form. Its eerie and irking me today, i also remember sitting in the back yard as a kid and dot painting with bamboo... flowers onto bamaboo sticks. I thought it was pretty.

Also I remember about 10ish years ago where I sat meditating in the back yard.. on of the lesson i learned that day. I know it was hidden in the silence of the back ythe dogs tramp. and im not sure what was going on.. its like the dog knew my thoughts.. and was trying to teach me a lesson.. I was reading a book too. I dont remember the details ard and the butterflies whispering it with their wings.

It is finally raining here.. thank goodness.. beautiful sweet rain. Hope it lasts all day as the garden needs it. It sunday morning, though i feel like curling up in bed and sleeping. I had a coffee... but just an instant one. May have to have a strong one to keep me buzzing. Anyhow.. its early in the day... better make my way

later alligator

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