Sunday, April 6, 2008


Spent the weekend at the Halinkas. I was as quiet as a mouse all weekend. I sat there reading and reading and reasding i finished the Banana Yoshimoto novel that was stunning. 3 love stories (not mills and boon either!) (ok?) hauntingly beautiful in the way the words just danced off the pages.

I also got this novel that is stunningly funny... called Hullaballoo beneath the guava tree. Its hilarious. I am half way through.. it brightened up my day. Its really wierd. I have the windows open and there is someone either burning off. Hmm.

Louise loved her jewelery.. which is great im glad. I wrote all my letters i have them to post off today.. I am also attempting to cook my first roast (here comes a bloody disaster if ever i heard one) lol. Anyhow... I made roast tomato soup the other night. Its 23 out there and its a good time to paint as its not cold. Now the clocks have gone back an hour.. the night will draw in closer to 6pm. Less light to paint with.. *sighs*

today i will work on shadow boxes...i hope to do some nice ones as i have that many supplies, anyhow must finish this coffee and get started...


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