Monday, May 26, 2008

Fridays News

I have been helping people out lately in supermarkets.. openeing doors etc.. i noticed that i am getting "paid" in my own little way. These old people saw me walking to the station and pulled over and asked if id like a lift to the station.. i thought why not they look harmless and im not about 6 years old where stranger danger would kick in. Though they could have taken me anywhere. Nope they said "looks like you have a lot to carry we thought you might like a lift" That never happens to me!

Wondered round the city for a bit went and bought some frogs from haigs. I also bought a gluten free cake.. (fair enough) but it turned out to have a bit of dairy in it. So Lib couldnt have it. Tamm cooked a delicious frie d rice and chiicken dinner for us. I think i was a bit too liberal with the soy sauce.

I found a soap shop and purchased a honey/aloevera and a vanilla based soap. They smell the whole bathroom out.. beautifully. I bought a trashy magazine for the train too. Keeping up with the gossip and trash of the stars etc However on the station I had the train ticket in my hnd but i went to pick my earring up and dropped my train ticket! shoot! shit! So I told them my "Story"and it looks as though i'll be getting a fine/warning. Great just when you think you are on a lucky streak... the tables turn quickly! They probably thought it was a cock and bull story. SO now my earrings are expensive.

Lib bought desert for me and tammy that was really nice of her, Totally did not expect it. I am sitting here in bed... in an icebox room ..writing. I hope I will sleep well.

Saturdays Blues.

The only voice from my dream said " you always followed people and never went your own way" smack in the head from the past (i think) yeps. So now what am i? Almost a spinster. (although give me 10 years before i offically declare that i am one)

Isnt it funny sometimes when you pick your phone up and it starts ringing...a s if you knew a call was to comet through. Its like you are connected on an invisible line .. im sure its happened to us all out there though. I had 4 mini muffins for breakfast. Not healthy at all.

I went out for about half an hour... looking in the asian grocery store around the corner.. i was looking for green tea but stumbled across this ginger tisane stuff. I got home and put one packet in to one cup of it wass like eating raw ginger... pure.. and so it kept my belly warm for a while.3pm sunshine is nice.

Its nice having family overseas.. if you cant sleep at least u have someone to call..i phoned up Nicola and said goodnight. Some home comfort i guess

So time tip toes into Sunday:

Slept well. Got a bit teary last n oight..and all from watching a gardening show. I think its because i had love served to me on a silver platter when i was a tafe about 9 years ago now.. i loved this guy but could never tell him.. it was always on the tip of my tounge.. i kick myself for not saying anything... Learning Curve? Perhaps. Im tired today.. from doing sweet fa

wellpers night night..

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