Sunday, January 20, 2008

Record Man.

Ken the Record Man cards got delivered today. I think the spelling for collectible is wrong but when i looked it up on the computer there are two schools of thought on this. able and ible... both mean the same thing. So which one is right? Im not sure.. ible may be american.

Dad is very happy with them... grinning like the cheshire cat! Oh well, i'm so glad i got them done for him. I have my friend to thank. I still have about 20 odd of my cards to give out at the market too.

At the moment I have the soup on... it has to simmer for about 40minutes.. mum is being good.. she has gone to the gym finally after about 3weeks of not going. I have not had one sweet thing today... there is a shock. Aside from the crackers which probably arent so healthy. I have got plums to eat for dessert and some form of fruit at about 9pm.

I had a day in today. Just sitting around. I hope to go to the twilight market at queen vic. Looks good from what i can gather and its not going to be that hot which is the best thing.

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