Wednesday, February 27, 2008


It will be autumn in just a few days. I welcome it with open arms. I love the way the leaves turn and the cold comes envelopes us. So the dog is sleeping with her blanket on her. I am just awake. That ginger spice cake rocks. It is that yum. I had a piece, mum said it reminded her her of something she used to buy when she was in england. Good memories.

Nicola, you would love it and its very simple to make too. Don't have to cream anything. Just add it all togther... mix and pour. I lined the tin of course. I am thinking that I will make this recipe again. If i have to cart it to the city, so be it. Its nice to go somewhere and bring something. It s better than going empty handed.

So what to do today? I think going to the gym would be on the cards. Or even if i walk down the street that is better than nothing. Well its early morning I shall write more later alligator.

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