Sunday, October 7, 2007

Happy Catty

I was wrapping up some presents the other day only i completely forgot how much the bleeding cat loves paper so this is the end result of him playing in the wrapping. He LOVES it so much. Christmas is on the horizon im going to have to lock him out of the room.

What i didnt mention yesterday is that we went to yarragon for morning tea. I had a slice of apple rhubarb cake. Home made not these industrious tasting cakes. mum had datescone dad had a scone.

Today i bought some pebbles for the backdrop of one of my pictures., they look really good. Im happy with them I will take a photo once it is all glued down. I am using bits and pieces that i have gathered and some that friends have passed on to me.

I bought some nice looking sandals today i hope they will do for some time. I havent broken them yet due to me might wanting to take them back. I tried on the pair that i really wanted but they made my feet look horrible. The front bit of them as way too small.

It's getting cold now and its only 4pm. Ive been staying up til around 10:30ish lately. I sleep until my natural waking time (6am) Which isn't so bad i guess. Well better go.

take care

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