Friday, October 19, 2007


Odd but I have the birds talking to me today. Words not just their usual banter. I have been trying to stop them. I cant stop nature though can i? Now I have the weeping bird near me. I have names for some of the birds i hear i'm not sure.

I wish the birds were in my favour but i can say they are not. They are just there. The weeping bird is all i hear and its making me cry. Not much i can do. Listening to it makes me sad inside.

What else? Today went op shop shopping (yes nicola we found a skirt for you)
dad was happy. However he bought nothing much. Went a bit overboard buying a few more things for mum to take. I somehow feel she is not going to have many clothes to take with her. LOl just her thermals and underwear!

I love jalsberg cheese it is on the sandwhich for afternoon tea. I had a pot of blueberry tea just before. So delicious. The quiche i made with feta and egg and dill and sundried tomatoes.

Anyhow I shall get a move on . WIll post the recipe later

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