Thursday, August 23, 2007


Slow start to the morning, sitting round listening to music reading my emails etc. Putting some opera music onto the computer at the moment. I am quite tired this morning for some reason or another. Had a great sleep.

Just got back from down the street, got me some lunch and dashed to the scrapbooking store and picked up some paper for my letters. Some caught my eye and i really like it. I can get more if i fancy.

I put this picture up as I really like it. Its of the blossoms outside the front. They are so delicate. I'd love to put some in a vase but im afraid to pick them. So i think i'll photograph them instead. Tonight we are having the rest of that cauliflower soup this time with the dijon mustard and cheese toasties, im positive that shall taste delicious.

It was good in the kitchen yesterday... dad cut all the vegetables for me... showing me how to cut them.. however y'all know how clumsy I am with a knife. (A couple of stitches later) I watched he claims that he can't cook anymore I said

"Why don't you cook mum and I meal?"

"I can't cook anymore ally"

Hmm I question that. If he put his mind to it i'm sure he could do it. Just a matter of trying really.

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