Monday, August 6, 2007

Hello Sunshine!

Goodbye dull sky hello sunshine! For today at least. I am going to buy a stack of black markers all the same so I can start doing my Alice In Wonderland in black and white squares. Im not sure if I should do this one normal a4 paper or go and buy some good drawing paper from the newsagent.*Sigh*I have a stack of mail that needs sending. So i'm going down the street and go looking at what I cant afford. Just window shopping. That doesn't cost anything, maybe a second of your your eye sight. I am wearing these cute apple hair clips today. Either side so it keeps my hair out of my eyes.Otherwise it's too annoying.

I would like to have some more postcards made from my art work. I will have to see what that is going to cost. Just to promote myself a bit more, it is important to put "feelers" out there. Test the water a bit. Now the problem here... no printing place in this town anymore. Damn!
Means I will have to go elsewhere for that. *sigh*

Don't you hate it how music can draw out emotions? Well time has passed. I am no longer what Rollins said in his poem "I am weak looking to get stronger" I remember parts of this poem. As I once stood up in front of the whole school and had others behind me move in the way they felt. was going. I got alot of slack for that. A lot of my friends back then thought I was having a go at them. Really I was having a go at all those people who bullied/ teased the shit out of me for being myself. My best friend Tammy uses this to remind me of how strong I can be. I have lost faith in my "poetry" I think it was teenage angst really. Thats why only a few people have my books and the rest found their way to the recylcing bin.

Hello sunshine I say to myself right now. The sun smiles over the mountains, the ski season is in full swing, the dog is curled up on her seat, the cat is on patrol, the radio is on, photos of family surround me like a deep well in which i can draw from. I choose this moment to reflect... and see all those "learning curves" .. there are so many if only, If i had of, if i could go back etc Its not to be. One has to live and learn and that is a huge step forward.

I have noticed, as of late that a lot of my books that I have read over the past year have bird in their title. I must be attracted to them subconsciously. I was just noticing such as the cuckoos call, how to make a bird etc. I even have been buying bird cards for people.. perhaps there is a reason for this. I only awoke to the fact this morning when I was browsing the bookshelf.

Anyhow my dream from last night... I was sitting on a bed counting loads of coins/change.. I was counting it all.. there was tonnes.. I don't remember anything else. Must be something to do with being a shrapnel queen. I should empty out my change at the end of they day into a little money box.

Well time to start the day. There is a coffee pot with my name on it.

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