Monday, August 27, 2007

Retail Therapy

Yes I am off into town for a bit of retail therapy, I need some new shoes all i own are a pair of boots, some heels and some burkies. I need an in between pair for spring/summer. Im sure to find some at that massive store here. So im heading into town at 4. I set this time to write here.

Tonight I will come up with some questions for dad to asnwer on dictaphone. To help him get started and focused. I couldn't sleep last night so I got up and just surfed the net.. looked at some art work etc. Mainly spoke to Evonne.

I have finished five pages of alice so far... im up to the race that never ends. Just after she has cried and floated on the bottle. Im going to buy that dvd today too. I have it on video but our player doesn't work anymore... so im moving onto dvds...

Well i better get going.

1 comment:

Kate said...

Hey Ally!

Enjoy your shoe shopping! You're so lucky!

I have to get rid of about half of my shoes because they wont all fit when we move into our new flat! Oh well!

I cant wait to see all your Alice work!!!