Saturday, August 4, 2007

tea snob

Wish I was like scooter sometimes. Sleeping all the time. Dog days. I have done little reading. Though i have been looking at dads french cook book i found many recipes all looking very seventies in their presentation. So it could be a bit scary making something from that. Although I cant go wrong with gingernut cookies can I? (Nicolas favourite) plus viewing a trashy magazine of course.

I opted out of going for dinner. As delicious as the food is, Im saving my pennies in order to buy tea and a few books next weekend. I look forward to going to the big smoke after about a month and a half. Within that time I have used nearly all my tea stock. Can you believe that? I can't. Considering how much that actually is. I have some t2 tea but it just doesn't quite cut the mustard. I like raspberry l green, black orange, green apple berry and paradise green all from qv centre. I guess it is true to form that I have been called a tea snob by a few people! No worries. I am. What I say is I am one loud and proud! Oh well. I do have packet mint tea which isn't so bad.

I would love to experience a tea ceremony one day, now that would be wonderful. I remember mum and I had beautiful green tea and a platter of cookies in the Asian gardens in San Fransisco. I didnt have time to do much in singapore, cept look at shops and take a bus tour around the city. I would have loved a few days there.and experience their floating markets. That wasn't to be.

Scooter is driving me bananas every time mum is not home at night i find she barks alot more. Makes me go to the back door..then backs away herself. Oh well such is a dogs life, her bark is wrose than her bite. We love her even if she is a "Tad" pampered.

You know I have been thinking about lots of things tonight. I must consider all the wrongs in my life as "learning curves" some moments have made me happy and some moments sad. I am feeling the latter of the two right now. I will get going, I can hear the faint call of the kettle boiling.... music to my ears.......

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