Saturday, August 4, 2007


Today had some family members over for scones. Mum makes them the best all from her head and faith in her baking. They were really yum. Cream and jam. Just delightful. Yes, they went down a treat. Mum then made pasta and sauce. She out did her self as a fine cook today. I have to laugh now though... she has just eaten a bowl of cereal for dinner... hmm I have had a bowl of this the other day and it tastes so odd. A cross between passionfruit and mango. If you can imagine that!I am having garlic bread. I read an interview with Missy Higgins today, I don't have her latest album but I have heard a few of her songs on the radio and Im not sure about it this time. The first one seemed to have more catchy tunes/ chorus.

I have so far today done diddly squat. Just sat down and read parts of the sunday paper. It is something that is real comforting. When I spend the weekend at home. Today I felt like looking nice so I got this pruple sparkly top on and black slacks. I didn't fancy wearing makeup though, just a plain face. At the moment Scooter is sporting her latest look.. one ear up one ear down.. and her little pink tongue hanging out. So cute.

Dad has been gluing everything around the house. Turned the bathroom floor into an ice skating ring with the sealant he was using. It took me walking in their with socks and almost slipping over to find this out. Oh dear. Oh well.

Now birthday season begins again this week.. only most of my friends are turning 30. Now what to get them? What do you buy friends when they have everything? Something outside "the box" Ive done the whole movie voucher, book voucher, tea voucher thing .. i think it is a safe option but a little impersonal in a way.

I must admit I am addicted to watching America's next top model. It is just so wrong! Yet it makes good viewing as its bitchy, catty and just oh did i mention wrong?! Anyhow. Im going to settle in for the night.


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