Sunday, August 5, 2007


Today I have made cards for everyone just about, Its fun I used the left over wall paper I had and some blank cards that i chose to decorate. I like to snail mail everyone at least once a week. Today I have squadered hours on the internet looking up various websites. Seems like most of my friends can be found on facebook now! Its like a bug. Its fun too. I think I have gone overboard with the applications on my page! Oh well.

It's been another cold day. Could not paint as it is so cold. I shall attempt to tomorrow as its supposed to fine up. (since when do i trust the weather person?) I take one look and I can see that my reading last year got a bit out of control.. I can't believe I have read that many books. Im such a bookworm. Now lets see I heard the greatest line in this song the guy sung "I go trucking with my high heels on" talk about Priscilla! The whole song was so hilarious.

Anyhow I have always wondered what "notes" my perfume had to it, i found a great website that tells you its called It has everything. I discovered quickly that cabotine posseses the blend of ginger, citrus and fresh cut flowers. It suits me too. Very earthy.

I went through some of sketchbooks today and had a look.. yes I am going to attempt to do my black and white Alice in Wonderland series again. Its going to take me a lot of hours but that won't stop me. I want to have it done for my next show. Speaking of which I must go gallery "shopping" once I have my folio together.

signing off for this moment.

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