Friday, August 10, 2007

Window Shopping

Its fairly cold this morning the wind is blowing a gale.I found this quote "I sometimes forget from where I've come from and how far I have traveled." by the guy who writes the blog The 4th Avenue Blues. It got me thinking. how I have come from the country and how far I have traveled mentally.

Today Louise is home so I have been hanging out with her and mum. Went window shopping.. its the cheapest thing to do. I am preparing myself for tomorrow in the city. I know I will spend a few smackers there. Hopefully not too much.

I sat writing letters this morning. My morning ritual. Its uncanny my horoscope has been spot on lately. Perhaps it I am in sinc with the way my life is supposed to be lived. I have just had plain english breakfast tea we are almost out of that too! I will render that tomorrow. Dinner is almost ready. Tonight it is a roast, mums famous roast potatoes... now I dont know how she makes them but I can never get them as good as hers. She has perfected the roast potato.

I must be off.

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