Tuesday, August 7, 2007


Golly gosh, those apples were so delicious. I went a little over board and made enough of the mixture to make stuff 9 small apples with. So I intived Aunty Anna down to ":sample the goods" .As the cinnamon and apple instant oats accompanied the flavour of the chai tea . So simple, so easy peasy. I am going to post the recipe here:

Stuffed Apples

Recipe #197573
Top this oven-baked treat with ice-cream or whipped cream for a warm fall treat.Recipe makes 4 apples.
by Boyz 5
apples click to change U.S./Metric measurement system or number of servings
time to make 45 min 15 min prep
4 large apples, cored
1 tablespoon butter (generous tablespoon)
1/2 cup rolled oats
1/4 cup brown sugar
1/4 cup chopped pecans

Not the one? See other Stuffed Apples Recipes

  1. Core apples and set aside.
  2. In a small bowl whisk together oats,sugar and pecans;Thoroughly cut in butter.
  3. Pack mixture firmly into cored apple from both top and bottom to get all the filling inside.
  4. Place apple on a baking sheet lined with parchment paper.
  5. Bake at 350°F for 30 minutes,or until apple is tender to the tip of a sharp knife.
  6. Serve hot,unaccompanied or with cream -whipped or drizzled -or with a scoop of vanilla ice-cream.

Once again it is from http://www.recipezaar.com I cannot stress enough how great this website is. It has all sorts of recipes on it. It is good cause you get to leave your rating and exchange tips with other people. You can even start to put your own recipes up there in the form of a virtual cook book. All the ones I have tried off there have worked, I have a growing nice book in which i copy them into.

Nana o'clock so goodnight.

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